Ungroup in powerclip

How to ungroup all in all pages including inside powerclip?

No Data
  • Assuming that you want to keep the ungrouped shapes inside the powerclip you could do something like this:

    Sub UngroupItAll()
        Dim p As Page
        Dim sr As ShapeRange, srPowerclipShapes As ShapeRange
        Dim s As Shape
        For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages
            Set sr = p.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="!@com.powerclip.IsNull")
            For Each s In sr.Shapes
                Set srPowerclipShapes = s.PowerClip.ExtractShapes.UngroupAllEx
                srPowerclipShapes.AddToPowerClip s
            Next s
        Next p
    End Sub

    Happy Coding!

