.NET: How can I control the "Only Objects on page exporting" by PDF-Export?

I want to write a small AddIn to automate our PDF Creation. I can set all the properties of the PDF. But I need control the "Only Objects on page "-Option on the PDF-Export Dialog. How can I do it?

            With corelApp.ActiveDocument.PDFSettings
                .PublishRange = 2 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfSelection
                .PageRange = "1"
                .Author = PDF_Author
                .Subject = corelApp.ActiveDocument.FullFileName
                .Keywords = corelApp.ActiveDocument.FullFileName


           End With


No Data
  • My full code is:

    Sub AutoPDF()
    On Error GoTo Error_Handler
        'Defines the current folder of the file you are working on. If no folder, it defaults to Temporary Files
        Dim intR As Integer
        Dim sPages As String
        intR = MsgBox("Do you want to use the last used location?", vbYesNoCancel)
        If intR = vbNo Then
            sFolderPath = "O:\Temporary Files\"
        ElseIf intR = vbCancel Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'Check pages required
        If ActiveDocument.Pages.count > 1 Then
            intR = MsgBox("Do you want to PDF only the current page?", vbYesNoCancel)
            If intR = vbNo Then
                Dim strDefault As String
                strDefault = "1-" & ActiveDocument.Pages.count
                sPages = InputBox("Which pages would you like to output?" & vbCrLf & "Enter the page range. e.g. 1-8 or 1,3,4,7", "Pages Required?", strDefault)
            ElseIf intR = vbYes Then
                sPages = 1
            ElseIf intR = vbCancel Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            sPages = 1
        End If
        'Defines the default save name (current file name) for the PDF
        Dim fileTitle As String
        fileTitle = Replace(ActiveDocument.FileName, ".cdr", "")
        Dim myFile As String 'The name of our file
        myFile = CorelScriptTools.GetFileBox("All Files (*.*)|*.*", "Save As Secure PDF", 1, "" & fileTitle, "pdf", "" & sFolderPath, "Save")
        'A quick check to make sure a file name was entered
        If myFile = "" Then
            MsgBox "No filename given, Please try again."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'Checks if the file exists and asks to replace, if so it prints
        If Dir(myFile) <> "" Then
            replaceFile = MsgBox(myFile & " already exists. Replace?", vbYesNo)
            If replaceFile = vbNo Then
                MsgBox "Saving cancelled"
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
        'Get current page
        Dim intPageNo As Integer
        intPageNo = ActiveDocument.ActivePage.Index
        'Delete all Objects not on the page
        Dim sr As ShapeRange, Deleted As Long
        Dim i As Integer
        ActiveDocument.SelectableShapes.All.AddToSelection 'Adds all shapes to selection
        For i = 1 To ActivePage.Layers.count
            ActivePage.Layers(i).Shapes.All.RemoveFromSelection 'Loops through the layers on the current page and remove shapes from selection
        Next i
        Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
        Deleted = sr.count 'assign count so we can check whether we need to undo the delete later
        If Deleted > 0 Then
        End If
        'Convert All Text to Curves
        Dim count As Integer
        count = ConvertAllTextToCurves
        'Return to original current page
        'Set the PDF Settings to use
        With ActiveDocument.PDFSettings
            If InStr(1, sPages, "-") Or InStr(1, sPages, ",") Then
                .PublishRange = 3 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfPageRange
                .PageRange = sPages
                .PublishRange = sPages ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfWholeDocument
            End If
            .Author = "Company Name"
            .Subject = ""
            .Keywords = "© Copyright " & Year(Date) & " Company Name"
            .BitmapCompression = 2 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfJPEG
            .JPEGQualityFactor = 25
            .TextAsCurves = True
            .EmbedFonts = True
            .EmbedBaseFonts = True
            .TrueTypeToType1 = True
            .SubsetFonts = True
            .SubsetPct = 80
            .CompressText = True
            .Encoding = 1 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfBinary
            .DownsampleColor = True
            .DownsampleGray = True
            .DownsampleMono = True
            .ColorResolution = 200
            .MonoResolution = 600
            .GrayResolution = 200
            .Hyperlinks = True
            .Bookmarks = True
            .Thumbnails = False
            .Startup = 0 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfPageOnly
            .ComplexFillsAsBitmaps = False
            .Overprints = True
            .Halftones = False
            .SpotColors = True
            .MaintainOPILinks = False
            .FountainSteps = 256
            .EPSAs = 0 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfPostscript
            .pdfVersion = 6 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfVersion15
            .IncludeBleed = False
            .Bleed = 0
            .Linearize = False
            .CropMarks = False
            .RegistrationMarks = False
            .DensitometerScales = False
            .FileInformation = False
            .ColorMode = 3 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfNative
            '.UseColorProfile = False
            '.ColorProfile = 1 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfSeparationProfile
            .EmbedFilename = ""
            .EmbedFile = False
            .JP2QualityFactor = 25
            .TextExportMode = 1 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfTextAsAscii
            .PrintPermissions = 1 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfPrintPermissionLowResolution
            .EditPermissions = 0 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfEditPermissionNone
            .ContentCopyingAllowed = False
            .OpenPassword = ""
            .PermissionPassword = "#######"
            .OutputSpotColorsAs = 0 ' pdfSpotAsSpot
            .EncryptType = 1 ' CdrPDFVBA.pdfEncryptTypeStandard
        End With
        'Create the PDF
        ActiveDocument.PublishToPDF myFile
        MsgBox ("File Saved As " & myFile)
        'Undo modules were here before being moved to ExitHere
        'Return to original current page
        'Save the last used folder
        sFolderPath = Left(myFile, InStrRev(myFile, "\"))
        'Now open it in Acrobat
        MyPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe"
        Shell MyPath & " " & myFile, vbNormalFocus
        'Revert all text back to text (undo the ConvertAllTextToCurves method)
        If count > 0 Then
        End If
        'Bring back anything deleted off the desktop
        If Deleted > 0 Then
        End If
        Exit Sub
        Select Case Err.Number
        Case -2147467259
            MsgBox "CorelDRAW cannot create the PDF as" & vbNewLine & "this is currently in use, or open.", vbOKOnly, "Access Denied"
            Resume ExitHere
        Case Else
            MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"
            Resume ExitHere
        End Select
    End Sub

    And the ConvertAllTextToCurves function (which converts all text to curves - even inside groups and powerclips) is:

    Public Function ConvertAllTextToCurves() As Integer
        Dim sr As Shapes
        Dim sr2 As ShapeRange: Set sr2 = New ShapeRange
        Dim SrGroup As ShapeRange
        Dim s1 As Shape
        Dim s2 As Shape
        Dim s3 As Shape
        Dim sp As Shape
        Dim pwc1 As PowerClip
        Dim pwc2 As PowerClip
        Dim p As Page
        Dim i As Integer
        For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages
            Set sr = ActivePage.Shapes
            For Each s1 In sr
                Set pwc1 = Nothing
                'add if text type
                If s1.Type = cdrTextShape Then
                    sr2.Add s1
                End If
                'check through groups
                If s1.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
                    Set SrGroup = s1.Shapes.All
                    For Each s2 In SrGroup
                        Set pwc2 = Nothing
                        'add if text type
                        If s2.Type = cdrTextShape Then
                            sr2.Add s2
                        End If
                        ' check through powerclips inside the group
                        Set pwc2 = s2.PowerClip
                        If Not pwc2 Is Nothing Then
                          For Each sp In pwc2.Shapes
                            If sp.Type = cdrTextShape Then
                                sr2.Add sp
                            End If
                            If sp.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
                                Set SrGroup = sp.Shapes.All
                                For Each s3 In SrGroup
                                    sr2.Add s3
                                Next s3
                            End If
                          Next sp
                        End If
                        'sr2.Add s2
                    Next s2
                End If
                ' check through powerclips
                Set pwc1 = s1.PowerClip
                If Not pwc1 Is Nothing Then
                    For Each sp In pwc1.Shapes
                        Set pwc2 = Nothing
                        If sp.Type = cdrTextShape Then
                            sr2.Add sp
                        End If
                        If sp.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
                            Set SrGroup = sp.Shapes.All
                            For Each s2 In SrGroup
                                sr2.Add s2
                            Next s2
                        End If
                        ' check through powerclips inside the powerclip
                        Set pwc2 = sp.PowerClip
                        If Not pwc2 Is Nothing Then
                          For Each s2 In pwc2.Shapes
                            If s2.Type = cdrTextShape Then
                                sr2.Add s2
                            End If
                            If s2.Type = cdrGroupShape Then
                                Set SrGroup = s2.Shapes.All
                                For Each s3 In SrGroup
                                    sr2.Add s3
                                Next s3
                            End If
                          Next s2
                        End If
                    Next sp
                End If
            Next s1
        Next p
        ConvertAllTextToCurves = sr2.count
    End Function
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