Hello, I am a CorelDRAW VBA GMS plugin developer from China. I would like to make your plugin bilingual in Chinese and English for international users. Before starting the development, I hope to receive your help and consent.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() LNG_CODE = Val(GetSetting("LYVBA", "Settings", "I18N_LNG", "1033")) Init_Translations Me, LNG_CODE Me.Caption = i18n("Similar Selection Plus", LNG_CODE)End Sub
Public Declare PtrSafe Function i18n Lib "C:\TSP\lyvba.dll" (ByVal str As String, ByVal code As Long) As String
Private Sub Test_i18n() MsgBox i18n("Nodes", 2052) MsgBox i18n("Nodes", 1033) MsgBox i18n("Preset Property", 2052)End Sub
Public Function Init_Translations(frm As UserForm, code As Long) Dim ctl As Variant: Dim en As String LNG_CODE = code For Each ctl In frm.Controls If TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.Label Or TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.CommandButton Or TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.ToggleButton Or TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.CheckBox Then If Not IsNull(ctl.Caption) And ctl.Caption <> "" Then en = ctl.Caption ctl.Caption = i18n(en, LNG_CODE) End If If Not IsNull(ctl.ControlTipText) And ctl.ControlTipText <> "" Then en = ctl.ControlTipText ctl.ControlTipText = i18n(en, LNG_CODE) End If End If Next ctl End Function
Actual project demonstration effect
If you have a high-quality English VBA plug-in, you are willing to share it with everyone. You can leave your contact information or download address below this article