I am using C++ to write a CPG plugin,when using ShapeRange.Group in CorelDRAW to group 2,000 objects, it takes 30 seconds.

I am using C++ to write a CPG plugin. There are tens of thousands of overlapping objects that need to be grouped. The C++ algorithm runs very quickly, in less than 0.25 seconds. However, when using ShapeRange.Group in CorelDRAW to group 2,000 objects, it takes 30 seconds. How can I solve the software bottleneck?

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  •   // Output the grouping results
      std::map<int, std::vector<int>> groups;
      for (int i = 0; i < parent.size(); i++) {
        int root = find(parent, i);
        groups[root].push_back(i + 1);    // CorelDRAW Shapes Item number starts from 1

      auto srgp = cdr->CreateShapeRange();

      // 分组分别进行群组
      for (const auto& group : groups) {
          for (int index : group.second) {
          if(sr->Count >1)  {    
            // al->CreateRectangle2(box.x, box.y, box.w, box.h, ZERO_4PC); // Create a rectangle using the bounding box
            // Convert the bounding box to top-left and bottom-right coordinates: box.x, box.y + box.h, box.x + box.w, box.y
            auto sh = cdr->ActivePage->SelectShapesFromRectangle(box.x, box.y + box.h, box.x + box.w, box.y, false);

            // srgp->Group();  // Grouping the selected shapes is actually 10 times faster than using ShapeRange->Group() directly

    // =================================

    My algorithm hasn't changed, I just took a detour. Previously, I would group the shapes in one step using srgp.Group().

    Now, I first get the bounding box of the srgp, then use the bounding box to select the shapes, and then group them.

    However, I'm not sure why ShapeRange->Group() is so slow. It could be a bug in CorelDRAW.

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