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  • Outline corners of curve (former rectangle) points are fixed to bevel

    To reproduce this behavior: create a rectangle, add some corner radius to all 4 points (or convert it to curves and add some fillet to all 4 points). Now add some point on a straight segment and move it away from the figure. The corner is fixed to bevel…

  • X7 fixed inside contour cornering?

    Has X7 fixed contours and inside cornering?

    For instance, in X6, I can specify rounded or beveled corners when doing contours on the outside of an object.  When applying the same contour to "inside contour" or "to center," the corner options for rounded…

  • Corner Snafu

    I am going crazy trying to figure this out. Can someone tell me why the corners on these two objects are different? The one on the left I drew with the Pen tool the one on the right is an imported EMF.  the Outline properties are identical, but I can't…

  • Tip on quickly rounding corners...

    In older versions of CorelDRAW, to avoid unwanted sharp points in contours created with the Contour tool, I would first round the corners of my original shape in the Fillet/Scallop/Chamfer docker using a very small radius value, before I applied…

  • The Tip of the Week: Creating customized rounded corners on rectangles with the mouse

    We can apply corner rounding to rectangles from the Property bar all at once or, use the input boxes for a custom rounding of corners individually. You can also apply round corners to rectangles by simply dragging one of the corner with Shape tool (F…

  • One corner not pointed

    I do graphic illustrations where I often use a line triangle. I have the corners set to the pointy style, but often it seems to use a blunted corner for one of them (usually the "middle" or second corner that's drawn, if that makes sense). Yet, sometimes…