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  • Transitioning from Photoshop to Corledraw


    Our team in Germany has recently switched to CorelDraw, but our offshore unit in the US has many documents in the psd format. It's not very complex stuff, mostly banners with flowers and/or bouquets with some text. Does anyone have any experience…

  • Import TIFF or PSD File with Colour Channels


    I was wondering how I can import PSD or TIFF Files with Spot Channel Layers? (AKA White Overprint Channel).

    I have tried with Extra Colour Channels (This file is accepted by the RIP Directly)


  • save for web

    Hello, Adobe Photoshop has a feature called 'save for web' which I use a lot because, well, because it seems to do it all for me.

    What is the Photo Paint X4 equivalent and, if I need to select any parameters, what would you suggest to get optimum…

  • Corel Draw X5 Macro corel bitmap to photoshop

    I have a question that Hoe I link CorelDraw X5 with Photoshop CC 14.0? I recently do that but macro does not work in corel draw X5. anyone here to solve this issue thanks in advance.

  • PhotoPaint 32-bit/channel support

    Hey Corel!

    I'm considering an upgrade to 2020 but I would like to know if it got 32-bit/channel support?

    This is required to be able to handle CGI file formats like .EXR .HDR ... etc. This is a very important feature for industries like video games…

  • Which software is better for designing T-shirts, Photoshop, or CorelDRAW?

    The nature of Photoshop & CorelDRAW is different.
    PS is an image editing software based on Raster, where CDR is a
    Graphic Design Software based on Vectors. There has been a mistake.
    If your design is based on logo or typography or picture or abstract…

  • Actions In Corel Photo Paint

    Hello there,

    I am curious, if it's possible to create an action in Corel Photo Paint. Similar like in Photoshop, when you create let's say a logo and you want to show it to your customer in different ways like how would look like on phone, on business…

  • CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020 has ELIMINATED the former ability to install BOTH the 32-bit and 64-bit versions on the SAME computer, so 32-bit Photoshop plugins are NOT usable. Corel said nothing, showing the company does NOT care about its users.

    I have been unimpressed with Corel's support on CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2020 (the 2020 version), where (without informing users prior to purchase, as in we are left to discover this major issue on our own afterward), Corel has ELIMINATED the ability…

  • How to import multiple images and it should be placed on each separate pages automatically with particular size and x'y' place ?

    I want to make ID card in CorelDraw and using PrintMerge command to set all data included. Now I want to place 322 images (Students photoes) on particular place of the ID card layout with Particular Size. 
    I have experience of Photoshop and I know about…

  • Print Output Corel EPS compare to Phtoshop PDF not same

    Reaching out because I am having print problems. This might be a little lenghty. Here is the Issue..
    I run Photoshop CS6 and Corel Draw X8. I have created a print panel for a partial wrap and it prints very nice. The PROBLEM is that the customer want…

  • Why CorelDRAW and not Photoshop?

    Hello friends, I have basic knowledge in Photoshop and I have started learning CorelDraw recently. I find CorelDraw pretty awesome. But, I have read some articles and saw polls according to which Photoshop is better. So, that made me confuse why people…

  • Why there is Permission error on downloading macro ?

    Hello admin ,

    I am trying to download a Macro from this side, and not able to download from this  Link

    I got following error in this "You do not have permission to view this directory or page.:"

    Please solve this issue if Possible .

  • Random Corruption of File, Seems .PSD related

    Was working on some bitmaps, the file was newly made. Imported some bitmaps from photoshop and I know that photoshop likes to run its own process to even load some .psd's into CorelDRAW. Long story short, it magically crapped itself when I was away from…

  • Photoshop like layer styles in Photo-Paint?

    Dear All,

    I'm fairly new to photo and graphics editing. I used to use Premiere Elements to edit videos, and I decided when the time to upgrade came, I thought I would get a copy of Photoshop Elements. Most tutorials I have watched on YouTube for the things…


    Somebody can help me making this possible in a not to technical explanation.

    I saw this USING PHOTOSHOP AS A BITMAP EDITOR FOR COREL DRAW youtube movie and I would like to work with photoshop styles for my…

  • converting from photoshop to coreldraw

    okay i need to convert some photoshop files to coreldraw, as my client informed me just now that cdr is the format the print shops are going to need . I am at a loss here, i dont know if gradients and other layer styles can be transformed to vector .…

  • I'm looking to do something like the 'dispersion 2 photoshop action' in PhotoPaint. Anyone got any tips? link to action in body of question.

    Check it out here:

    I just think it's cool and I'd love to be doing something with it.

    Anyone have an idea where to start?

    I'd pay the maker of dispersion 2 if it worked in in photopaint…

  • New Tutorial available : Open, edit and import Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and PDF files in CorelDRAW®

    In this tutorial, you will learn about the enhanced support for Adobe Illustrator (AI) and Photoshop (PSD) files, and how to easily and effectively import Portable Document Formats (PDF) directly into CorelDRAW.

    Learn More

    Note: this tutorial  is available…

  • New tutorial: Retouching Digital Camera Images for CMYK Print Jobs by Pratik Shah

    In this tutorial, Pratik Shah, CorelDRAW Master and one of Corel's Strategic Training Partners in India, will be covering some important steps for retouching digital camera images ready for processing for use in a CMYK print job.

    Click here to…

  • New tutorial available: Working with Photoshop files in CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite by Ariel Garaza Diaz

    Are you transitioning from Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator to the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite but want to continue working in an environment that is comfortable and familiar to you? In this tutorial we will be replicating some of the most common…

  • New tutorial: CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop users

    Start your transition from Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to CorelDRAW® and Corel® PHOTO-PAINTTM with the help of this quick comparison of key terms and tools.

    Click here to read the full tutorial

    Note: this tutorial is available in 10…

  • Have you checked ‘CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop users’ training video?

    Move easily from Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT by learning about similarities and terminology differences between the applications. Find out how to access workspaces with the look and feel of Adobe Illustrator…

  • Import .abr files (Photoshop Brushes) possible?

    Hello all!

    I've been looking around but couldn't figure it out.


    Well my question is in the title... Can photo paint x6 import .abr files?


    I know paint shop pro x6 64 does it.


    Thanks you for your answer :-)



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