GRRRR I hate this program!

Curves function... a miserable excuse of the most important tool.

Export to web... would it kill ya to separate the interface into separate process for the controls and the preview. It's just consumed 80% of my time waiting for a preview that isn't the res I want just so I can set the res and have to wait again.

Export to web with multiple tabs. Unless you work from the last tab forward the idiot program flip to the last tab during the render process then fricken takes the file name from the last tab and spits it at you as the file name (for save) of the tab you are working on.

Then we have the bullshit of these menus and keystrokes. SERIOUSLY what new user is going even find "dust and scratches". Then to make this crap code work you have to duplicate the image, apply D&S, then blend it back on an "if darker" setting. What a PITA that could so obviously be done in the D&S code.

And don't you dare defend this slack effort from Corel David or I'll are reach through the screen and pull your bloody arms off!

This is a program what 20 generation old? It just screams "who the blood hell is providing credible feedback that is meaningful in a photography workflow and if that person even exists then why the hell aren't Corel listening!"

  • Here's a good one... DRAW... I'm doing a very rough plan view of where my house sit on a block.

    So I draw an outline for the block. Then the basic house bits. And then put dimensions on them.

    Fricken thing the base box keeps being selected.


  • Here's a good one... DRAW... I'm doing a very rough plan view of where my house sit on a block.

    So I draw an outline for the block. Then the basic house bits. And then put dimensions on them.

    Fricken thing the base b

    Sounds like you have have the "Treat Objects as Filled" on. By default Corel has it on. One of the first things I do is turn that off then save settings as default.
