Installation on Windows 11.

I can recall many fraught hours during beta testing struggling to get Draw 18 to correctly register OLE during the installation process. If it's not correct Draw won't function as an OLE server breaking the link to PP and ThumbsPlus which uses OLE to create highly detailed thumbnails of .CDR files.

Now I'm installing on Windows 11 and I'm getting the same problem. I installed Trace v12 and CorelDrawX5 using compatibility settings, then followed with 2018. After installing the Reg key for CorelDraw.Automation points to X5. So installed the 32bit version of 2018 as that worked well previously in win7. Still no dice. 

Uninstalled X5 and no key exists for CorelDraw.Automation. nowt, nada, zero. Repaired 2018 still nothing. 

Could someone with 2018 please examine their registry under Software/Classes CorelDraw.Automation and if it says CorelDraw.Graphic.20 could you please export that whole key and post it here, I'm going to have to get brutal with it. 
