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Isolate/solo objects/layers

Sorry for the basic question.  I cannot discover a way to isolate or solo an object or layer.  In other apps I have used, there is a way to isolate objects so that everything else disappears and you can work on the object/layer in isolation.  I there a way to do this in Coreldraw?

Also, in Illustrator, you can click on the eye symbol or lock symbol in the layers panel and then hold down the mouse and move down the column so you can quickly hide/show or lock/unlock a bunch of items quickly.  Can't figure out how to do this in Corel either.

Thanks - any help appreciated.

  • hide/show or lock/unlock a bunch of items quickly

    Select the objects in Objects docker (use Ctrl or Shift to select multiple objects), then right click and choose Hide/Show or Lock/Unlock from the menu that appears.
    At least that's how it works in the Windows version, hopefully the same for Mac.