Photoshop instead of Photo-Paint to edit bitmaps in CorelDraw 2020

How can i use Photoshop instead of Photo-Paint to edit bitmaps in CorelDraw 2020?

If I select a bitmap in a CorelDraw document, and then click [Bitmaps] -> [Edit Bitmap...] the bitmap opens in PhotoPaint.

Is it possible to choose PhotoShop instead?

I know that i can open and edit the bitmap in PhotoShop, and then place it in the CorelDraw document, but to avoid several mouse clicks it would be nice with this feature.

On Internet i have seen a Macro which can do the trick, but it do not work for CorelDraw 2020.

Thank you in advance and best regards Flemming

No Data
  • When you import an image, you have the choice to import the file or place as externally linked image. If you choose this, you will se a low resolution preview but the image will be exported or printed using the high quality image. And if you edit the image using the Links & bookmarks docker, CorelDRAW will allows you to use Photoshop, PaintShopPro or any other image editing software as default.

    Also, it's possible to perform the same task by default using a macro, such as (this macro is no longer compatible with newest version, I mention just as a sample)
