Exported image in PDF is extremely pixelated


I've encountered a really odd issue with a file that I've not run into before, with 2020 or the previous version I used, 2017.

When I'm working on an image in CorelDraw, it looks fine. Perfectly clean and crisp as it should.

It's a 300dpi image, which I typically work with.
I scale it down a bit to fit within a required space, as I normally do.
In most cases, it comes out fine. In this case, it's getting all messed up.

When it's exported to PDF, it comes out looking EXTREMELY pixelated.  I've gone through everything I could think of in Corel and nothing works. I've tried looking for a fix for this specific issue and didn't find anything for it. So, hopefully someone here has experienced this or otherwise knows how to fix it.  I'm completely bamboozled at this point.

I've included before and after pics here for reference...

Help is very appreciated.


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