Pointillizer Bug?

I'm new to pointillizer, although have used Corel since version 2.  Using Corel 2020 on Win 10. 

I want to use pointillizer to create a ben day illustration simulation, and it has what I can only imagine is a bug that is making me crazy:

One of the options in the pointillizer menu is for "screen angle."  Since I will need to change the screen angle for CMYK versions of the same image (standard screen angles are C 15, M 75, Y 0, K 45), that should be great, and an option I need.

Unfortunately, when you change the screen angle to anything other than "0", pointillizer not only changes the screen angle, but moves the actual image the same percentage away from it's original position.  And I can't imagine why it's doing this -- there is no purpose that I can imagine.  The menu option is to change the SCREEN ANGLE, not the location of the image.

In fact, it makes this tool difficult to use -- I want the four identical images, in CMYK with different screen angles, to print on top of each other, as they should.

I couldn't find any reference to this anywhere, with any explanation in the Forums, Corel instructions, or on any video instruction.  I did see exactly one video instruction on pointillizer for Corel 2020 in a foreign language I don't speak, that showed on the screen the exact behavior I'm witnessing.  Unfortunately, I couldn't hear the explanation, if any.

Would appreciate an explanation, if there is one, and if not, would appreciate what I think is a bug being noted and scheduled to be fixed.
