When I apply the mesh to certain vectors, some points turn white out of nowhere.
This happens with the star object and this vector I created:
Vector file:
To fix this, I reduce the number of mesh nodes to the minimum possible, when the increase returns to normal.
Can you upload a cdr file please?
File before applying the mesh:
File after applying the mesh, and add new nodes using the Grid Size tool:
The Grid Size tool I am referring to is this one:
I get the same result you do but have no idea why these mesh nodes are white.By the way, adding mesh fills to complicated objects (which is pretty much everything except rectangles and ellipses) may be an almost impossible task, so here is a workaround:Select the "complicated object", then Shift+double click the Rectangle tool icon in toolbox to create a rectangle around it.I suggest no fill for the object and a solid fill of any color for the rectangle to start with.PowerClip this rectangle into the object.Select the rectangle by Alt+clicking the object or Ctrl+clicking to get inte edit mode (or use buttons in upper left corner).Start creating the Mesh fill.Try to keep the number of nodes and lines down to avoid overly complicated meshes.Don't forget the mesh and node options in Property Bar.You will find that it is much easier to get a decent fill when the box is rectangular instead of shaped like for example a star, and you can still see the object's shape as a template while working.It is easy to get in or out of editing mode to see the result, and if you choose to work on the selected mesh object (the Alt+click method) you will see the final result right away.Another benefit with the PowerClip workaround is that you can add a mesh fill also to combined objects or editable text for example.
I understand the Power clip tip.
You are right, it is better to use rectangular and circular shapes for mesh.
To use as a power clip on vectors with complicated shapes.
Thank you very much, Ronny
On the brown object I can get no white nodes, on the star I only get white nodes if I add horizontal nodes first, if I add vertical nodes first I can then add horizontal with no white nodes.