Mac Transition/Slow Performance

Hello - I am a long-time CorelDraw user and am trying to transition away from Windows in Parallels to running natively on the Mac (MBP 2019 i9 32GB ram) soon to be transitioning to an MBP M1 Max. I have some issues with key shortcuts but mostly have bad performance problems I am hoping someone can help with.

First the performance issues, I have a drawing, and almost every time I select something I get the spinning beachball it just takes forever to select and deselect objects, move, align etc. I had much better performance running on Windows virtualized in Parallels than native. Here is a link to a quick screengrab of some of the issues: I am using Hardware acceleration with the AMD Radeon Pro 5500M.

Additionally, when I select an object it is just laggy, taking a second or so to select it after clicking. The simpler the file the quicker it is but these are not crazy files and not an issue on the Windows version. I would expect better performance for a native application.

Regarding the new Mac interface I have a couple of questions:

  • I like to use 'A' as a keyboard shortcut for the Pick tool, when I try it set it in the Preferences > Shortcuts I can not type 'A' into the box for the pick tool or any other tool, any other letter/key works. A is currently linked to the Shape tool, I removed the A shortcut from the Shape tool, clicked okay, and went back to preferences but it but still cannot use 'A' for any tool including Pick. 
  • Picking Outline Color: Using the Windows version I always right-click on the right side vertical color pallette and it sets the outline color but now when I right-click a color a menu pops up: with multiple options. Can you just set it to set the outline color?

Thanks for your help. I hope I can resolve the issues.

  • Hi my name is Alex, i am also trying to transition from Windows to Mac with corel draw 2021 graphic suite. It is absolutely TERRIBLE so far. I did find a list of shortcut keys used specifically for mac. But i as well am unable to do little tasks such as changing the outline color by right clicking on the mouse and there is no option to adjust this in settings as it seems the "tools" feature for Corel on Mac is missing many of the common features it offers in Windows.

    I am most likely going to switch to AI as Corel has terrible customer service and you can not get anyone to respond on a help ticket to resolve any issues. 

  • Hi Alex,

     i have still been working with Corel Draw on the mac and it is okay but still the same problems as before. Disappointing to not get a response from Corel. I am also considering making the switch from Corel to AI as well since I already have it anyway. The biggest problem I have is all the old CDR files and accessing them in the future as needed.

  • Hi Alex,

     i have still been working with Corel Draw on the mac and it is okay but still the same problems as before. Disappointing to not get a response from Corel. I am also considering making the switch from Corel to AI as well since I already have it anyway. The biggest problem I have is all the old CDR files and accessing them in the future as needed.