CorelDraw 2021 takes ages to load on M1 Mac Mini

As per the title really, it takes ages to load!

Has been like it since day one, on a very clean Mac Mini M1.

Loading the app takes about 30 seconds or more to hit the welcome screen where I can do anything. It is so long that CleanMyMacX warns me that CorelDraw 2021 has become unresponsive! :) :( this is before I've even done anything!

Anyone else having this problem? It is so annoying! Once it is running it is fine, but loading times like this are quite simply ridiculous and ever so annoying.

I wonder if anyone else is experiencing similar? Is it the license check being appallingly slow, is it just the app takes ages to load and that's that?

Any tips or experiences would be good, thanks!

  • I've got in touch with support. They have first suggested renaming a messages folder, which I believe to be something which holds the latest offers shown on the Getting Started screen. 

    With that folder renamed, 30 seconds after launching coreldraw I see the folder is recreated, then the application takes another 9 seconds to load.

    It SOUNDS like the application upon launch is waiting for a response from an in-app messaging or licensing service which is very slow to respond. That is my theory.

    I'll come back and update people with how this support case progresses.

    If they can solve the problem it sounds like it could save many people a lot of frustration. It seems if that message check didn't happen, or was instant, the loading could be potentially cut from 39 seconds to just 9 (which would seem 'normal' for a large app loading from scratch)