Negative contour cut line

I understand the Versaworks spot color for contour cut. I understand the contour button on the program. However, I can not figure how to constrict the cutline so I dont need bleed with artwork. On my other software I can tell it to go -.001 offset for example. This technique also helps with pixelated edges of items.

I tried the Chat or send ticket, but it NEVER works for Corel. Hopefully, you here can point me in the right direction.

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  • If I understand correctly what you want to do, the way I would do it using native tools in CorelDRAW would be something like this:

    1. Using the Contour tool, create a 1-step inside contour with the desired offset.
    2. Break the Contour group apart.
    3. Select the object that came from the Contour, then change the Outline and Fill properties to be what you want for the cut line.
    4. Use Fillet/Scallop/Chamfer to apply fillets to corners if desired.

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