
I have a .cdr in the FAQ in the list of files that can be attached to forum posts, but when I upload it, it shows Error in red.error photograph

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  • 1. Is there an automated way of identifying these offending objects or the only way would be to painstakingly search for them manually?

    macro fix negative width to Hairline on ActivePage (in Group - YES, and NO in PowerClip)

    Sub FindMin()

    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter

    ActiveDocument.ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@outline.width<{0 mm}").SetOutlineProperties 0.076

    End Sub

  • If it's a multipage document

    By the way, colleagues noticed that the actual width of the outline is equal to what is shown,
    but without the minus. Those. -2mm is actually equal to 2mm.
    In this regard, for a multi-page document, we find negative values ​​​​
    of the contour thickness and change them to positive ones

    Sub FndMin()
    Dim wid As Double, s As Shape, srMin As New ShapeRange, p As Page
    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
    For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages
    Set srMin = ActiveDocument.ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@outline.width<{0 mm}")
    'MsgBox srMin.Count
    For Each s In srMin
    wid = s.Outline.Width
    s.Outline.SetProperties -wid
    Next s
    Next p
    End Sub