
I have a .cdr in the FAQ in the list of files that can be attached to forum posts, but when I upload it, it shows Error in red.error photograph

Parents Reply
  • If it's a multipage document

    By the way, colleagues noticed that the actual width of the outline is equal to what is shown,
    but without the minus. Those. -2mm is actually equal to 2mm.
    In this regard, for a multi-page document, we find negative values ​​​​
    of the contour thickness and change them to positive ones

    Sub FndMin()
    Dim wid As Double, s As Shape, srMin As New ShapeRange, p As Page
    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
    For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages
    Set srMin = ActiveDocument.ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@outline.width<{0 mm}")
    'MsgBox srMin.Count
    For Each s In srMin
    wid = s.Outline.Width
    s.Outline.SetProperties -wid
    Next s
    Next p
    End Sub

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