Remove Transparency to all outlines without having any selection

Sub RemoveTransparencyFromOutlines2()
For i = 1 To shapes.count
With shapes(i)
If .Outline.Transparency > 0 Then
.Outline.Transparency = 0
End If
End With
Next i
End Sub

This is not working, Please someone help

Parents Reply
  • but not working
    it should work, there is no other way, 
    Shelby Moore will not give bad advice...
    and it’s a shame you didn’t read the Help - that’s exactly what it says there.
    Objects may be grouped in the document.
    Then try a little differently

    Sub TestTR()
    Dim s As Shape
    For Each s In ActivePage.Shapes.FindShapes(Query:="@com.transparency.type > 0")
    s.Transparency.AppliedTo = cdrApplyToFill
    Next s
    End Sub
