CD24(25.1) crashes when trying to manipulate bitmaps

unfortunately Cd keeps crashing when I try to manipulate bitmaps via the "adjust" menue. Sometimes its on the first small "adjustment" sometimes it lets me do 2 or 3 moves and than crashes. I can open the adjustment menue ie "tone curve", as soon as I touch the curve, CD completely folds.

Anybody else out there with that problem? Two computer, windows 11, same problem. Any picture.

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  • I have the same problem. It also crashes when using brightness adjustments with sliders. I noticed that if I don't use sliders but type in numbers manually, for example brightness -20, than it works properly.  All other live effects than tone curve or brightness work fine (noise,etc) it only happens on my desktop, win10, 32gb ram, 8th generation i7 processor and Nvidia quadro k2200 GPU, two 4k dell monitors setup. On my laptop, win 11 16gb ram Surface Book 3 it doesn't happen.
