Fake Album Cover Challenge

Don't know if I am going about this the right way or if it is legal to use a music artists name in a "non-real" graphic which is only for promotional purposes. I have been taking online courses through LVS Online and have come up with a few fictional album covers that cover the requested assignment criteria. Moderator please remove the postings if this is not allowed. I am also submitting a step by step explanation to the Journey album cover. The assignment was to create a rainbow arc that filled up 1/4 of the graphic and the rest was up to the student. Sorry about the graphic being cut-off. I exported the graphic at 600 pixels for dimensions, maybe its too big, but I am sure you fine folks will help me out.

How To For Rainbow Arch

1. Using elipse tool created perfect circle, .5" dia.
2. Duplicated circle and added .5" to dimension for H & W, by clicking inside dimensions and typing +.5, which changes the original size by the value added, subtracted, multiplied or divided.
3. Selected both circles and combined, added red color and removed outline.
4. Created next circles at 1" dia and followed steps 2 & 3.
5. Continued above pattern until six colors of rainbow acheived.
6. Grouped all circles, drug guideline down to center, created rectangle through center and cut circle in half using trim command.
7. Used square handles to skew shape.
8. Ungrouped arches between red and purple arches, then blended arches together and reversed blend to create rainbow.
9. Duplicated arch blend and mirrored duplicate.
10. Rotated both objects to gain right positions as idea was begining to come together. Added uniform transparency.
11. Created shoulders of bug using ellipse, filled with uniform fill, changed outline to a darker blue.
12. Duplicated shoulders shape and filled with white, removed outline, used shape tool to create highlight.
13. Placed transparency to highlight, duplicated shape and made smaller for added highlight.
14. Created bug's head using rectangle and changed shape with shape tool and created highlights as above.
15. Created bug's body and highlights using same technique as step 14. Converted shape to curves to drag bottom of body down.
16. Placed objects in order so body was above wings. Added hairline to wing shapes to bring out seperate color shapes. Added boundary line to each wing shape.
17. Drew Perfect Sqaure to resemble album cover shape and filled with texture to look like space. (Solar flare)
18. Typed out band name with Artistic Text and added outline to make it stand out, filled with preset linear fill. Broke text apart and resized first letter.
19. Added album name below band name using Artistic Text and resized by dragging handles.