Corel X6 price in india

I am legal user of Corel X5. What is the price for up gradation to X6 in india. Why this 2 years maintenance is compulsory.. Why Corel X6 price so higher than other Asian or other  countries calculating to dollar -rupees calculation. why ...they do not have facility of 2 years maintenance..whether maintenance facilities is free for other country except India..why this is differentiate.. Corel Corp must understand india is a biggest market for software..nos of people uses pirated due to high prices. Corel Corp must think to grab the biggest market on the earth by reducing the prices. I really could not understand policy of deciding the price.

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  • As pointed out by Ariel, prices in individual countries depend on many factors. Depending on the the price you use as a reference, you will see the before taxes price. In India specifically, in addition to the value added taxes, you need to take into account the import & custom duties that are required for imported goods. In addition, specific markets and configurations have different costs. India again is a fairly expensive market to be present in based on the infrastructure and local requirements (geographical, political and legal). Finally, the cost of fighting piracy in a certain market is also to be considered from a pricing perspective. We do take all these factors and many others into consideration when pricing our products.

    Maintenance is definitely not free in other countries, but depending on the market, we include it in the standard package, while in others, it is optional. 

