Corel Linux, a tour of the 1999 promotion.

WordPerfect isn't a name you hear too often these days. But there was a time when it was the king of word processing software. And sometime in the late '90s, Corel released a version of it for Linux. Oh... and an entire distro for it to run on. Let's check it out!

Just popped up on YouTube 2 hours ago.

Interesting history tour.

  • Another Corel buy let die process.

    • Shame... I don't think "let die" was what happened. This was a massive threat to Microsoft. If they had been able to keep with it the whole software environment would be different. Adobe would have released a version on Linux and MS would have been screwed.

      let die == exterminate those involved

      • Look at what they've done over the years, the latest buy and die was Corel CAD, (Bibble Labs) now AfterShot Pro is most likely next. Never any updates, now being packages with PaintShop Pro Ultimate and maybe with Draw too.  It's not a bad little program but I've outgrown it, and Corel is letting it fall off the cliff.

        When I was running an IT support aspect of my business I had a few dozen Law Offices as clients, when we started WordPerfect was the choice of the legal profession.  Withing a decade the move to MS Office started and within 20 years no law firm I know uses WordPerfect any longer.

        • Corel had balls back in the day. Big low hanging Canadian lumber jack balls. Microsoft did the knackering.

          The rot started with the float, that was when they started being wasteful of resources and chasing a market that was software running of awful versions of Windows.

          Best thing for Draw uses would be a buy out by Black Magic. Grant Petty could turn this around using the reputation they have developed from Resolve. Always selling to the most profit hungry isn't the way to go. Next best option would be Fuji. American capitalists who were no doubt disappointed in what they paid too much for is not. 

          The interesting space is now Linux and has been for sometime. That's where the bleeding edge will move to. There's no dishonesty in Linux. Things can be honestly wrong but dishonest in an open source environment doesn't exist.

          • Look at what Grant says...

            “The Australian business community still doesn’t really get intellectual property, but we haven’t got external investors, so we can spend what we know we need to,” Mr Petty said.

            Blackmagic’s new production switcher was akin to “an entire TV station in one product”, he said, and its relatively modest $US4595 ($6687) price tag had it “going off” in the US.


            1. Investors don't get it

            2. Power of integration, vertical solutions

            • Linux never captured a large enough group of software that was both functional and commercial to be viable in the graphics market.  Now that most of my stuff is for me only, I may take a look at it when my Windows 10 goes to crap.

              • Linux never captured a large enough group of software that was both functional and commercial to be viable in the graphics market.

                Linux just evolves over time by the work of many in an environment of transparency.

                I spent 2 weeks and cash to set up a perfect VM to run Windows under Linux. It gets a dedicated graphics card and a HDMI switcher.

                I've never used it since! The lesser time wasting evil has been to just compromise on software choices and keep to Linux.

                The question is what do I miss of CorelDraw? It's not functions but the interface. And the interface of Draw could still be improved but. The choices made between version 1.0 and 6 set the stage. The integration of layout, design and image with multi-page support..

                The distance between Linux and corporate software will increase a little as Linux does battle over AI and ethics within the community. Ethics gets a leg up under Linux versus sales under corporate software.

                The point of interest is evolution of full featuredness. Adding features in 1995 was pretty easy, it was what had been considered but which lacked developer time to implement. Once you get to 95% of most used features the tortoise starts to catch up to the hare.

                I can't see any reason why an average user who needs office tools and a web browser should not be using Linux, KDE and open office stuff. You might loses parts of the last 5-10 years of MS features but not the quality of software increases that have happened in that time.