How i can delete white line?

Hi everyone !

I am not new on coreldraw, but i have a problem since few year and i never find solution

When I work, I use lines to delimit the color areas
I then use the smart surface tool to create the color box.
But that's what it gives:

A thin white line between each, is this normal and how to fix it?
(I have a solution, it is to copy paste the finalized drawing but it is an archaic method)


  • This sort of "white lines" problem happens when shapes "fit together exactly" at the edges, without one shape overlapping another, and the software rendering the content has to figure out what to do with the pixels at the edges.

    If you export from CorelDRAW to a bitmap format (e.g., .PNG, JPG, .TIF), then CorelDRAW's rendering decisions produce "real" white content at those edges in the bitmap.

    If you export to SVG, it's vector content. Whether you see white lines will depend on the software that is doing the rendering of the SVG, and may also depend on the zoom level at which it is being displayed.

    Screenshot from Firefox:

    Screenshot from Internet Explorer 11:

    Screenshot from Chrome:

    The suggestion to use outlines - with the outline of each shape the same color as the fill - is a way of making each shape render slightly larger, creating overlap between the shapes.

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