Hello,Please make a macro:
1. I write 7 and around the number circle as an example.2. I select the sample, created in step 13. I run macro1 /must be created/ 4. I click on page anywhere and at click point appears 8.The printout should look like the example created in step 1 5. I click on other place on same page or on other page and appear 9 The printout should look like the example created in step 15.To stop macro I click on sample, created in step 1 or......one other actionGreetings!
To terminete macto just click out of pageSub From1To99() Dim s As Shape, s1 As Shape Dim i%, X As Double, Y As Double, pause% Dim Shift As Long, b As Boolean, SR_New As ShapeRange ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter pause = 10 b = False While Not b i = i + 1 b = ActiveDocument.GetUserClick(X, Y, Shift, pause, False, cdrCursorSmallcrosshair) If X > ActivePage.LeftX And X < ActivePage.RightX Then If Y > ActivePage.BottomY And Y < ActivePage.TopY Then Set SR_New = New ShapeRange Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2(X, Y, 10, 10) SR_New.Add s Set s1 = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(X, Y, i) ', , , fntNm) SR_New.Add s1 s1.CenterX = s.CenterX s1.CenterY = s.CenterY SR_New.Group ActiveDocument.ClearSelection Else b = True End If Else b = True End If If i = 99 Then b = True WendEnd Sub
Hello, Thanks for the reply! There are some valuable things in this macro, but it doesn't work the way I need it to, namely: If the group we created containing a number in a circle or square or rectangle etc. contains the number 3, then on the first mouse click the next group should contain 4, i.e. +1 from the number of the original. In this sense, the 99 limit is redundant. Second - each subsequent group should look like the first, this is our pattern - font, size, color, etc.
Здравейте,Благодаря за отговора!Има някои ценни неща в този макрос, но той не работи както ми трябва, а именно:Ако създадената от нас група, съдържаща цифра в кръг или квадрат или правоъгълник и т.н. съдържа цифра 3, то при първото щракане с мишката следващата група трябва да съдържа 4, т.е. +1 от числото на оригинала. В този смисъл ограничението 99 е излишно. Второ - всяка следваща група трябва да изглежда както първата, това е нашият образец - шрифт, размер, цвят и т.н.