The B.F.S. - a 4 story monster is in the works...!

Haven't nailed down all the details for the design, but I'm close...!

This going to be the biggest, most iconic, highly visible signs in the entire Disney area.

I am open to all the suggestions out there in terms of "How in the heck am I gonna pull this off...?!?!?"

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  • Is the top covered or open? If open make sure your base has proper drainage. I've used Watchfire good company, once you get the specs from them you can count on them to be right. Build to match and simply assemble. The reason I suggested an incorporated ladder and catwalk was that some EMC signs require back access and your sign leaves little access except from one side. I just did an install for another company that was up 70'. Twelve x twelve cabinet with an idiot design. Only face access, the face is heavy and requires two men to lift, with the weight, height and reach it requires a 120' lift so it costs $1,000 just to get to it, so every service call will be $2,000. At the cost to reach it you always have to rebuild the guts each time. After the owner figured that out he was pissed, when he ask me what should have been different.  I told him even though was a new box it should have been designed as a single side  fluorescent cabinet LED retrofit which would allow $200 service calls from the roof and then you could afford to only replace bad parts, I thought his head was going to explode.
