Lags in CorelDraw 2017

Processor Intel Xeon W3670 3.2 GHz

12 gig ram memory

64 bit windows 10

i read that CD 2017 is optimized for windows 10 but i have found there are some pretty major lags.  Especially notable is the resizing of objects: Example: choose two objects and hold down the shift key to keep the sizing proportional -- the redraw is so slow that you cannot practically see how large or small the results will be unless you wait 5 seconds or more.  Of course, it is worse if you have 25 objects selected.

i include my computer info above realizing that my machine is about 4 years old and that may be a factor.


-handsome john

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  • I went through a back and forth with Corel support on this. The suggestions they provided did seem to improve performance, but I was not satisfied that this was the fix needed because didn't seem to address an issue with the software. We are a company with 30 Corel licenses and it's not very practical to do this often. Good luck.

    1. Reset Corel

    2. Repair Corel through uninstall process

    Windows>Control Panel>Uninstall>Scroll down until you locate Software>Right Click>Repair

    3. Delete Temporary files
    •Click on the Windows Start menu at the bottom left side of your screen.
    •Type into the search box: %temp% (For Windows XP type:%temp% in the RUN command window).
    •Hit Enter and the Temp directory will open.
    •Hit Ctrl+A on the keyboard to Select All.
    •Hit the Delete key and then press OK or hit Enter to the message asking if you are sure you wish to delete.
    •Skip all files that cannot be deleted (there will usually be about 3 to 5 temp files in use by windows at any given
    time which cannot be deleted).
    •Close out of the temp directory.

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