Smart Fill default

When I create two overlapping circles and apply the Smart Fill tool to the overlapping area, CorelDraw 2017 creates an object, but does not fill it. I am using the Default setting. Is this the intended default behavior (create object but do not apply fill)? Or have I somehow changed the default?

Ron S. 

No Data
  • frisbee said:

    When I create two overlapping circles and apply the Smart Fill tool to the overlapping area, CorelDraw 2017 creates an object, but does not fill it. I am using the Default setting. Is this the intended default behavior (create object but do not apply fill)? Or have I somehow changed the default?

    Unless they have changed it from X8, when the Smart Fill tool is selected, you should be able to see options in the Property Bar.

    Perhaps you have Fill Options set to "No Fill" instead of "Specify"?
