Drop shadow looks nice, but adds a ton of space to the illustration.

Illustration is a square box 2 x 2 inches; however with the drop shadow tool used, it is 2.61 by 2.61 in. Most of that added dimension appears to be empty space that extends well beyond the actual shadow. Until upgrading from X3 to Draw 2017, I used the drop-shadow tool a lot. Now, it's impossible to use because it hogs so much extra space. Is there a solution to this?

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  • Hi Tbeiswenger,

    I find that using the Powerclip tool to remove the unwanted space is helpful. But take note that you'll need to go inside of the powerclip to make any edits.

    To do this you need to;

    1. Create object/shape you want your element to be powerclipped inside.
    2. Select design you want powerclipped. (You may want to group if there are numerous elements)
    3. Right Click and Press Powerclip Inside OR Object -> Powerclip -> Place Inside Frame
    4. Click on object/shape created in step 1.

    If you have the bug that doesn't let you Powerclip the original object. Powerclip another simple shape in the newly created object and copy and paste inside of the object with the powerclip.
