Pen Tool and Bézier Tool – what's the difference?

my question is about exact difference between  Pen Tool  and  Bézier Tool. I tried them both and search informations about them on forum, and these are what I found:

  • You can see the preview of the line that you draw when you are using Pen Tool.
    (but in my opinion, If you turn it off in the Property Bar, Pen Tool and Bézier Tool seem to be exact the same.)
  • If you are using Pen Tool and press node while you are holding Alt key, you can drag and move it/ change it's type (to symetrical/ cusp) and then continue to drawing line.

That's the only differences, that I found, and I think these two tools could be easly merge by adding all options from above to the Bézier Tool.

I don't know why would I use Bézier Tool if the only difference between them is that the Pen Tool has more options. With both you can draw straight lines, curved lines etc. Is here any pro who know how they are more differ from each other and can give a suggestions in which situations is better to use this or that?
