It seems like just about every day one or more popups show up on my desktop, usually in the lower left of the screen, trying to get me to buy a Corel product, in some cases for products that I already have! The latest one, which popped up a few minutes ago, doesn't have a close "x" included so I can get rid of it. I am about ready to go to Adobe products even though I have been using Corel Graphics suites since about version 3.
Hi Rocketman,
I got rid of it by using C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe.I keep shortcut of this file on the desktop.
Ding Dong the witch is dead. No more pop ups1. Open up a run prompt by holding down the windows key on your keyboard + the letter "r" 2. Type into the field Taskschd.msc and press OK3. The Task Scheduler opens, now highlight the Task Scheduler Library Folder towards the top left. 4. The box on the right will now show you what programs have scheduled tasks. 5. Locate all the Corel tasks, I found 4 of them, and right click on it and choose delete. 7. Close the window. 8. Restart the computer9. Malware removed....Screen is clean again.
This is correct. Specifically the Corel Update HelperHow to disable the Corel Update Helper 1. Using the search box, to the right of the START icon from Windows, type: Task Scheduler and press Enter 2. Click on Task scheduler Library 3. Locate CorelUpdateHelperTask, right-click and select Disable or Delete 4. Locate CorelUpdateHelper TaskCore, right-click and select Disable or Delete 5. Click the X at the top right to close the dialog box
Yes, it worked for me as well. Thanks!