X4 undo shortcut key

Good day

I was wondering if anyone else has the problem of the shortcut key ctrl+z not working after X4 has been running for awhile? It still works at EDIT/UNDO. If I restart the progarm the shortcut key works for a bit then back to using the EDIT/UNDO command.




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  • Once I had a similar situation, but related to "Wireframe View ", which I determined Ctrl+F9 as shortcut, and Ctrl+F10  for "Enhanced View". One day, unexpectedly, these combinations left stopped working.
    What I did:
    1. I reset all shortcuts to "Default" and made ​​new associations only for these two functions. Result: did not work.
    2. So, I restarted CorelDRAW, from scratch, and I set again all my shortcuts, one by one (not restoring my Preferences - which I have them saved for this emergency).
    3. Only after this action is that everything could be working again.

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