How to tame dimension lines

Recently someone in one of these groups asked about dimension lines, especially arrowheads.

Here is an easy way to do them all at once:


Draw dimension lines throughout the drawing any time you want. Don't worry at all about line weights, colours or arrowheads. As anyone who has wrestled with dimension lines knows, the current default is applied, which is a royal PITA at this stage. Don't worry about it!!!,

Then at some convenient time, when most or, preferably all, of the dimension lines are in place---

  1. 1Edit > Find objects > dimensions > linear dimensions (NO further SELECTIONS in that dialogue should be made)
  2. Finish
  3. As soon as it comes back, "Find All"
  4. Simply go to the outline pen dialogue, select the arrowheads desired, line weights, possibly colour, then Apply.


Every linear dimension line will now have the arrowheads, and any other items you specified.