Delete key in MacBook keyboard (bootcamp) does not work in CorelDraw

Anybody using MacBook (bootcamp) windows on CorelDraw. When  I have objects that I want to delete in CorelDraw, I cannot delete it with the Delete key....I still have to hold down fn(function key) in the Mac Book kwyboard.


Any fix..or any options to change.



  • Alex Galvez said:

    Anybody using MacBook (bootcamp) windows on CorelDraw. When  I have objects that I want to delete in CorelDraw, I cannot delete it with the Delete key....I still have to hold down fn(function key) in the Mac Book kwyboard.


    Any fix..or any options to change.




    I'm running X4 in VMWare on a MacBook, so I had the same problem, but all I had to do was assign the delete key on the MacBook (i.e. backspace) key to the delete command, as Adrian already mentioned. Just go to options/customization/ select commands and find Delete, like in this screenshot, then click in the New Shortcut box, press Backspace as the key, and then Assign. Now the backspace should be your del key. I've been using this since installing X4 and haven't had any problems - it works as it should whether I'm editing curves, deleting objects or whatever. Hope this helps.


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