Corel X4 hanging frequently and crashing

I posted this back when using CorelX3 and never got any response. I also could not get any response from Corel technical support. Now I am using Corel X4 with the latest service pack, and still getting the exact same problem!

 I have been using Corel products for over ten years and have never had a problem like this: I have CorelDRAW X4 running on Windows Vista Business as a client on a Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 network. All drawings are saved in my "Documents" folder and "My Documents Redirection" is enabled on the server. During the course of the workday, CorelDRAW hangs very frequently (sometimes as frequently as every 10-15 minutes) upon attempting to perform a function.

 An example would be: I am working on a drawing and, using the text tool, begin typing. After a few characters, the program just hangs. Another example would be: I click an object with the pick tool and attempt to move it, and the program just hangs. Once the program hangs, I can do nothing else in CorelDRAW - it is completely unresponsive. The really interesting part is that once CorelDRAW hangs, I can not begin any new processes in Windows Vista - that is, I can not open new programs (such as Outlook), open Internet Explorer, etc... or even close programs that are currently open. If I attempt to open any other programs or windows, nothing happens. If I bring up task manager and end CorelDRAW (which is listed as "not responding"), then as SOON as Corel terminates, ALL of the programs and windows I tried opening IMMEDIATELY pop up.

 This could be some kind of CorelDRAW network issue, as SOMETIMES I can solve this issue by clicking "Sync All" on the "Sync Center" in Vista. If the program syncs successfully, then Corel immediately unhangs, and everything is fine for a few seconds. However, if I attempt to do more than a few functions in Corel after that point, Corel hangs again. I believe this to be an issue with CorelDRAW, as NO OTHER program on this client causes this problem (or has any problem), including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, and several other graphics programs. The client computer in question has Vista fully updated, 2.4Ghz Core2 Duo CPU, 4GB RAM, and plenty of free HDD space. I have multiple client computers here with similarly fast hardware, and every one of them experiences this issue.

There are no unnecessary processes or malware running on this computer. There are no issues whatsoever on this computer except for with Corel. No other program on this computer causes the hanging issue that Corel is experiencing.

I would appreciate any advice. If I need to supply any more information, please just ask.

Thank you.

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  • From memory, I believe that X4 SP2 fixed some specific issues around this that we could reproduce... but from what you mention, you already have it installed.

    Is your default printer a network printer?

    Where is your temp folder point at in the CorelDRAW options?

    What anti-virus do you have running?


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