Create an atypical label template

Is it possible to create a label that is not uniform?  Example:  I am trying to create a sheet of round labels,  2.7" diameter.  There are 3 columns.  However, they overlap each other.  The first column has 4 down, the second has 3 down and the third has 4 down.  The second column falls in between the other columns so that is why there are only 3... So is there a way to assign the position of each label to create the template?  Hope this makes sense.

  • Yes it's possible

    Draw your circle, Cntl/D 3 times, space evenly using align and distribute; when satisfied with spacing, select all and combine, cntrl/D again to give another copy, move to other side of sheet; cntrl/D again;separate this copy then select three of the circles,combine, and move to the required position; finally select all, break apart then combine into one and save as a template.

    Takes longer to explain than actially do.

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