Can't apply contour?

Hey guys,

I'm working on a logo at the moment in CorelDRAWX and for some reason I can't apply a contour to a shape I've created. It says "Preset cannot be applied to the selected object". The object is basically just a '6' that I've put together by doing a lot of "Back minus front" chopping in order to get the desired shape.

Any ideas?


  • you may want to use create boundary and then contour that!

    • I think your path is Open from somewhere, Also try to use "Smart Fill" tool to automatically generate the Closed Path, and apply contour to that new path.

      • Aleem Ashraf said:

        I think your path is Open from somewhere, Also try to use "Smart Fill" tool to automatically generate the Closed Path, and apply contour to that new path.

        Hi Aleem, I know, contour can be apply to non-closed curves. May be @jOLT's object is not agreeable curve for Contour Effect. Some objects are not affected Contour effect. Like bitmaps, groupped dropshadow, transparency applied curves etc.