Hi there. Can Corel X4 automatically reorder the order in which Corel lists objects on a layer. I have a laser that needs to make 5,000 cuts but I find that the head runs from here to there, helter skelter, retracting its steps and wasting a lot of time. (I know it lists them in order of creation, but things get moved around, copied, deleted, etc.) I then discovered I could cut-and-paste, "one-by-one" and reorder all 5,000 curves myself but that's killing me! Can Corel "automatically" do this looking at the X-Y coordinates of the curves beginning node or something!? This, I would think, would be a HUGE benefit to all those running CNC devices with Corel
Thanks you so much.
Dan Kerrigan said:Can Corel X4 automatically reorder the order in which Corel lists objects on a layer.
Not automatically, but this commercial solution is the closest I know of...
Thanks Jeff. I didn't know about this. It is a half-way fix tho. Easier than what I'm doing now but still... to have to individually select 5,000 curves?!?!? I'll keep that reference bookmarked until I know how I want to deal with this.
Do you have a picture of the graphic your working on so I can get a better idea of what you need to select and how...
Hi Dan,
I wrote an auto-sort for a laser engraving application. If you want back-and-forth motion in a row / column layout situation it is not hard to do. I write CorelDRAW addons for CNC so give me a shout at http://leonardcncsoftware.com