faded background

I'm a fairly new user - so this is pretty elementtary.  Can I have suggestions on how to place a bitmap as the faded background in a business card?

No Data
    1. import or paste bitmap into CorelDRAW
    2. find interactive transparency tool
    3. choose uniform on property bar
    4. set transparency level on property bar as desired, try 80%
    5. I usually powerclip this into a rectangle the size of document 3.625" x 2.125" if a biz card. The extra size includes 1/16" bleed all around.
    6. I convert this powerclip to a new bitmap. bitmaps | convert to bitmap
    see attached.
    <sam greene> wrote in message news:77800@coreldraw.com...

    I'm a fairly new user - so this is pretty elementary.  Can I have suggestions on how to place a bitmap as the faded background in a business card?
