Fitting an Object to a Path

Im not sure if this'll come out right-- but this is my deal. I need to fit a straight object to a curved path. I know how to fit Text to a path- but cant seem to figure out a way to curve this object to a curved path  so i can be done with this design.

Ive read a few posts about some Macro that can do it--

Anyone help?




  • if you want a macro:


    JJs Customs said:
    I need to fit a straight object to a curved path.

    reading this phrase, seems that what you need is to use the Envelope Tool or Powerclip 

    • The macro you sggested is available for Corel X3 & X4, but not for Corel CX5. For X5 where can I get it?

      • namaste,

        i´m sorry, i don´t  mentioned any macro.

        the best way is to follow jeff´s advice as i did .

        ( it´s marked as verified answer with green frame)

        monster# 1 means jeff himself , because he´s the founder of macromonster :-)

        in case you didn´t succeed , please write more details

        best of luck

    • Work using a copy of the object... not the original object... in case something goes sideways on you.

      In fact it's a good idea to work on a copy of the whole file... name it version 2 or somethin'

      As Ariel says you may be able to use the envelope tool to good effect.

      Move the object you want to fit to the curve close to the curve where you want it to be when done.

      Be sure the object is just one object or ungroup it if more than one object making up the main object.

      You could use the node shaping tool to fit whatever part of the object can be fit by moving nodes.

      Devil  the 'dd'

      • As Ariel said, I think you should use the "Envelope Tool"

        Could you upload an example?

        • JJs Customs said:
          Im not sure if this'll come out right-- but this is my deal. I need to fit a straight object to a curved path. I know how to fit Text to a path- but cant seem to figure out a way to curve this object to a curved path  so i can be done with this design.

          It's possible to have a shape (or group of shapes) be enveloped by another Closed Curve.

          Tip: add nodes to shapes and make all segments curve segments for easier conforming to a new shape.

          I'm not using the envelope docker at all. Tip: click on the edge of the shape to have the envelope apply.

          Hopefully the next version will have an apply icon on the envelope property bar for more intuitive operation.

          You can also save an envelope for the future to apply to other shapes.

          • Thanks everyone. I made of a pic so you guys can have a better idea.



            This is CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4, btw. :)

            • wrote in message
              > Thanks everyone. I made of a pic so you guys can have a better idea.
              > This is CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4, btw. :)

              ah, very important difference in semantics. Your title line says you want to
              "fit an object to a path", yet in your image, you state you want to "*curve*
              an object to a path." those are very different things.

              To me, "fitting an object to a path" would be where you have a bunch of
              objects you want to follow a pre-defined line and while those objects may
              change their axis, the object is not distorted in terms of
              proportion/scaling. "Curving an object to a path" is bending the shape of an
              object to fit a path which would definitely alter the shape of the original
              drawn object.

              In this instance, I'd probably save the object as an Artistic Media stroke
              and then apply that to the curve. The thing to consider is that the "stroke"
              is saved as the size you create it, so there's a good chance the object will
              distort more than you want when applying it to the path.

                Try converting the red ellipse line to an object the same width as the object to be shaped.

                Then try Jeff's method.

                You may have to play with it a bit to get the exact effect you want... eg: length and width of control object line... or whatever.

                Devil  the 'dd'

                • another way is to use the object ("the arrow") as a Artistic Media brush and drag over the line

                  • You guys are AWESOME!! With your help i got the desired results! Big Smile


                    I am a CorelDRAW Forum user from now on.


                    Thanks a Million Guys!


                    • You could always just draw it using guides, smart fill, the shape tool. and weld to create just one of the desired pattern. Then rotating copies.


                    • hi,

                      another jeff´s great tut , but when i follow it , something is not right.

                      the fill doesn´t follow the object exactly.

                      could anyone please correct me ?



                      • jadeoasis said:

                        another jeff´s great tut , but when i follow it , something is not right. the fill doesn´t follow the object exactly...

                        try this:

                        1. convert black and yellow rectangles to curves
                        2. Add some extra nodes using the add nodes icon when in curve edit mode
                        3. Ensure every node on each rectangle is a cusp node
                        4. then group them and re-try.


                        • jadeoasis said:

                          another jeff´s great tut , but when i follow it , something is not right.

                          the fill doesn´t follow the object exactly.

                          could anyone please correct me ?


                          it's a group of black and yellow rectangles or is a group of yellow rectangles under a black background? sometimes all you need is to edit your envelope

                          • hi jeff,

                            thanks to your advise, my prolem´s been solved.

                            if we don´t add extra nodes to our original graphic, than

                            we can´t expect nice result :-)

                            glad to learn from the monster# 1

                            i wish, that everyone finds the right answer here on site:-)


                            • jadeoasis said:

                              thanks to your advice, my problem´s been solved. glad to learn from the monster# 1

                              Glad to help...  I hope in the future, we can apply envelope to bitmaps... ;-)