I have some equations in coreldraw which contains text and some lines/curves in single diagram. If I click anywhere on the diagram, whole diagram selects so im not able to edit the lines or text in the diagram. Sometimes I want to select only one character which I want to edit, sometimes I want to select only one line to make it bigger, sometimes one line and one text. How I can select them? Thanks for your answers.
Hello learntech; If you are importing a raster into CorelDraw you can't edit it. if you are opening a "CDR" file it may be that it is grouped. ( if grouped ungroup it. )
To break apart your image of text and lines try the CTRL + U key which ungroups everything you have selected (the opposite would be grouping which uses the CTRL + G key).
For the text the CTRL + K key is probably your best bet -- select the text and with each CTRL + K you use it breaks it down (all the way to an individual letter). Sizing and spacing can then be up to you rather than trying to find and change each font size.
In additon to Graewerld's solution you can also hold ctrl while selecting. This will select an item regardless if it's in a group or not.
To get and item in a group that is being another hold crtl and alt and then select.
You can modify and move the item and it won't affect the current grouping.
Hell; Well John I learned something else I didn't KNOW.
Thanks George
Thanks everyone.
As you explained, I tried to select the text or curve holding control key or pressing Cntrol + U, control + G, but sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesnt. Its taking ages for me to edit one diagram because of that. Those diagrams were drawn by someone else.