What the font Capture Issue Help please

When I try to use the capture feature connecting to "What the Font"I get this error....


Your computer may not be connected to the internet or you may have a firewall installed that is blocking access to the internet.

Things I have tried already

Reset Corel to Factory, Cleaned All cache/temp files, rebooted the PC and my router. Given Corel permission to access the net via my Windows Firewall.

I have no issues at all accessing sites including What the Font directly via Browser, but through CD X4 it gives me the above message any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance



  • I'm having the same problem at work.  Everyone using the same program is now being blocked.  I strongly suspect a windows update is the culprit and not WhatTheFont since that app does not automatically check online for updates.  I'll let you know if there is a fix for this and I already know the workaround and I don't like that option since the feature should do what it's supposed to do.  sheesh.

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