error reading file : Can't open cdr file

I am not being able to open a .cdr file in Draw. Its about 1.16 gb, I know its big but I didnt realise it has become so big, it has 18 pages now. It was working fine till yesterday. but now when i am trying to open it a pop up comes showing error reading file. I am using x4 in a 32 bit windows 7 with 4 gb ram.
I have tried opening in laptop with 64bit windows 7 4 gb ram, it opened till 80% adn then a different error came which said - invalid object. I need to retrieve the artwork, i have worked on it for more than 3 weeks. The back up file also shows the same. Please help.

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  • There should be a temp backup file for you in Compueter > C:\ > User > Your name > Local > Temp

    Look there for the Backup. The backup file might start with "Backup-then your name, or simply the name as you named it without Backup name.

    See to that you save the backup fil to simply Copy & drag to a NEW folder for safe keeping. Maybe in two different folders to start with, then try to open it from one of the folders. That way IF it is fine and you happen to have a new corrupt file for some reason you know you have the backup file.

    You could also try to download the new CorelDRAW X6 from Corel website, a trial version. See if you can open the file with X6, and if so backsave it to the older X4 file format - with a NEW name.

    I fyou already tried the trial version of X6, for 30 days, then you wont be able to try the trial version, then you have to pay for it. Which I recomend especially as the upgrade policiy just changed.

    It may or may not solve your current corrupt file or workflow, but generally new CorelDRAW X6,  64 bit, is better in handlig large files. But you should ALWAYS keep a backup file when working with multiple page works in a separate folder. NEVER only keep 1 version of it. Think safety net after this experience. With any software on the market. There are many things that unfortunatly can happen to a file. Regardless, so think safety net.

