Macro Help: Converting CMYK Color Value to RGB

In VBA, is there a way to copy a CMYK color value from an object to a Dim and convert that value to RGB without effecting the original object's color? 

I'm making a macro that copies text from CorelDraw into a Word document and retains as much formatting as possible (font, size, alignment, etc). In order to copy the colors in the text over to Word they first have to be converted from CMYK to RGB. When I use: s.Text.Story.Range.Fill.UniformColor.ConvertToRGB on my text object the individual letter colors are lost and it all becomes the same color (i.e. if the first letter is green and a couple words are yellow, after ConvertToRGB all the text becomes green). 

Within the macro (it's too long and complicated to post in this box) there is a loop that goes through each letter in each textbox, getting (from CorelDraw) and setting (In Word) various formatting attributes. I can add ConvertToRgb on each character in the loop and this will retain individual letter colors, but for a few reasons I want to avoid this. Mainly, I don't want this process altering the original CorelDraw document. 

I'm wondering if there is a way to convert the color value instead of converting the shapes color.

Any help is greatly appreciated. 

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