Corel X4 Colorspace and EPS export


I'm really desperate about finding the right way to export my corel figure to an EPS file and maintaining the proper colors. Im a scientist and i want to combine EPS files from different software packages in a PDF (using LATEX).

I did some research on this topic and i know a bit about the problems with RGB and CMYK but what really drives me mad is the different results i get from different settings/ software packages.

For expample most of my plots are generated by MATLAB. MATLAB seems to have pretty reasonable export settings because the resulting colors in the EPS look just like the ones in the MATLAB figure ( I just use "print(figurehandle,'-depsc2','pat\filename.eps') ).

Now when i create a Corel file and everything looks good on the screen the colors get really messed up in the export.The problem looks pretty similar to this :

I understand that there is the Color Management and when i try to experiment with the settings i get strange results like having messed up and nice colors right next to each other but none of the options i changes had any impact on the export of Corel. I also experimented with the export options ... no results there.

Is there any way to find out what color space matlab uses and just use the same with corel?  Can one examine a EPS file with some software and figure out what Color options the eps file uses?

To summarize i just want to have an EPS file with proper (RGB) colors. All options i tried (like changing to RGB color space) ended up with "dirty/dark" colors.

Thanks in advance

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