Edit this macro???

Hey everyone,

I use the WoXXoM Export to JPG macro every day.

It has a feature where if you click a button, it will name the JPG files whatever the current name of the document itself is.

So, if the CDR file itself is saved as MyArtwork.cdr, after you click the button it will name all JPG file generated as MyArtwork.cdr.jpg

I was wondering if any of you macro gurus knew how to edit this macro so that when you press the button to use the filename, it wont add the '.cdr' extension to the filename of the JPG.

I just need the JPG files to be saved with the names being like "MyArtwork.jpg" and not "My Artwork.cdr.jpg"

I know that I can manually delete the .cdr portion of the filename, but that's just an extra step that I would assume could be easily adjusted and removed from this macro.



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