Delete character categories created with Tools > Create > character

I created a curve object and I clicked Tools --> Create --> Character, in CorelDraw. I saved it with a "new name". The character category is listed now in the list. The font is also listed in the text properties. But, I'm unable to delete the character category. I don't want it anymore. Where are associated files or registry keys located in Windows 7? Please help me.

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  • Described steps created font file - Symbolsnew name.ttf.

    On WIN XP, CorelDraw X5 - file is located

    C:\Documents and Settings\Your user name\Application Data\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5


    On win7

    c:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Corel\CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5\Custom Data\


    Also shortcut with name newname.ttf is created on Winwows font folder (go to Start-Control Panels-Fonts)


    Best regards



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