How to use ExportBitmap in python?

Hi, trying to save the page as a JPG in python. It saves fine as a JPG, but will not compile, much less save with ExportBitmap.

My code is as follows:

import win32com.client as win32
from win32com.client import Dispatch

cdrCenter = 9

def initCdr():
""" start up draw, fire up VBA and globals """
global cdr
## run Draw and return a handle
cdr = Dispatch('CorelDraw.Application')

cdr.Visible = True
## Draw must have VBA turned on for automation to work
return cdr


def hatch():
""" From """>"""
hatch = cdr.CreateCurve(cdr.ActiveDocument)
hatch.CreateSubPath(8.244488, 6.660827).AppendLineSegment(15.537358, -0.632043)
sh = []
shLine = sh[0]
xOffset = 0.25
yOffset = 0.25
for i in range(1, 25):
sh.append(shLine.Duplicate(xOffset, yOffset))
xOffset += 0.25
yOffset += 0.25
cdr.ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrCenter
for s in sh:
cdr.ActiveSelection.Stretch(-1, 1)
cdr.ActiveSelection.Move(0, 0)
sGrp = cdr.ActiveSelection.Group()
#sGrp.Move(-4.498425, -0.232677)
sGrp.Move(-10.611146, -0.286209)

def puzzlePiece():
""" """
crv = cdr.Application.CreateCurve(cdr.ActiveDocument)
sp = crv.CreateSubPath(1.351, 8.545)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(1.351, 8.926, 0.127, 89.901, 0.127, -64.56)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(1.156, 8.952, 0.066, 115.44, 0.066, -48.906)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(1.156, 9.15, 0.065, 131.09, 0.065, -133.149)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(1.351, 9.163, 0.065, 46.846, 0.065, -116.315)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(1.351, 9.545, 0.127, 63.683, 0.127, -89.902)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.976, 9.545, 0.125, 179.951, 0.125, 25.612)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.96, 9.342, 0.063, -154.391, 0.063, 40.943)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.767, 9.339, 0.067, -139.06, 0.067, -41.987)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.752, 9.547, 0.063, 138.014, 0.065, -33.906)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.351, 9.545, 0.134, 146.087, 0.134, 0.045)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.351, 9.163, 0.127, -90, 0.127, 63.681)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.156, 9.15, 0.065, -116.317, 0.065, 46.846)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.156, 8.952, 0.065, -133.152, 0.065, 131.093)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.351, 8.926, 0.066, -48.906, 0.066, 115.439)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.351, 8.545, 0.127, -64.561, 0.127, 90)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.752, 8.547, 0.134, 0.002, 0.134, 146.087)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.767, 8.339, 0.065, -33.908, 0.063, 138.012)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.96, 8.342, 0.067, -41.987, 0.067, -139.058)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(0.976, 8.545, 0.063, 40.943, 0.063, -154.388)
sp.AppendCurveSegment(1.351, 8.545, 0.125, 25.613, 0.125, 179.998)
sp.Closed = True
s = cdr.ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)
s.Name = "puzzle"
s.Move(3.861449, -3.133898)
s.Fill.UniformColor.RGBAssign(175, 175, 175) # Gray
# s.OrderToFront()
# CreateSelection(ShapeArray()
# cdr.ActiveDocument.CreateSelection(cdr.ActiveShape.Shapes("puzzle").Shapes("weld"), origSelection)
# s1 = cdr.ActiveSelection.Combine()

def welding():
left = 2
top = 7.5
right = 7
bottom = 4.25
## CreateEllipse(left, top, right, bottom, [startAngle=90], [endAngle=90], [pie=False]) returns Shape
ellipse = cdr.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse(left, top, right, bottom)
## CreateRectangle(left, top, right, bottom, [cornerUL], [cornerUR], [cornerLR], [cornerLL]) returns Shape
rect = cdr.ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(left+4, top-1.25, right+.6, bottom+1.25)
## select the two shapes we just made
## and weld them together
weld = cdr.ActiveSelection.Weld(rect, True, True)
## make weld magenta
weld.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign(0, 100, 0, 0)
weld.Name = "weld"
## get rid of the originals

## PDFVBASettings
def publishToPDF(fullPath, cmyk=False, keywords='drawDataMerge'):
""" fullPath = pdf filename drive:\\Path\\filename.ext
cmyk = true grayscale = false
keywords are meta data string for PDF search """
## a few constants
pdfVersion13 = 1
pdfWholeDocument = 0
pdfCurrentPage = 1
pdfSelection = 2
pdfPageRange = 3

pdfRGB = 0
pdfCMYK = 1
pdfGrayscale = 2
pdfNative = 3

doc = cdr.ActiveDocument
doc.PDFSettings.Author = 'Danyell Frazoo'
doc.PDFSettings.Bookmarks = True
if cmyk:
doc.PDFSettings.ColorMode = pdfCMYK
doc.PDFSettings.ColorMode = pdfGrayscale
doc.PDFSettings.ComplexFillsAsBitmaps = False
doc.PDFSettings.EmbedBaseFonts = True
doc.PDFSettings.EmbedFonts = True
doc.PDFSettings.Hyperlinks = True
doc.PDFSettings.Keywords = keywords
doc.PDFSettings.Linearize = True
doc.PDFSettings.pdfVersion = pdfVersion13
doc.PDFSettings.PublishRange = pdfWholeDocument
doc.PDFSettings.TrueTypeToType1 = True

''' if I uncomment this, it throws an error '''
# def savePageAsBitmap(jpgFileName):
# cdrJPEG = 774
# cdrSelection = 2
# cdrRGBColorImage = 4

# filter = cdr.ActiveDocument.ExportBitmap(jpgFileName, cdrJPEG, cdrSelection, cdrRGBColorImage, UseColorProfile=False)
# print filter
# filter.Compression = 20
# filter.Optimized = True
# res = True
# if filter.HasDialog:
# res = filter.ShowDialog()
# if res:
# filter.Finish
# filter= None
# cdr.ActiveDocument.Export("C:\Temp\Test.jpg", cdrJPEG, cdrCurrentPage)

############# Main ##########################
if __name__ == "__main__":
global cdr
documentPath = r'c:\temp'
pdfFileName = 'example.pdf'
jpgFileName = 'example.jpg'

cdr = initCdr()
## don't update screen while drawing, really speeds things up
cdr.Optimization = True

## starts Draw initializes and creates a new document
print 'writing PDF... this can take a while... sometimes'
publishToPDF(documentPath + '\\' + pdfFileName)
print 'creating JPG'

""" this part creates an error """
#savePageAsBitmap(documentPath + '\\' + jpgFileName)

## let Draw update screen and show our work
cdr.Optimization = False

For whatever reason, leading whitespace is lost.... how do you post code here?

Anyway with ExportBitmap un commented, I get the following error:

creating JPG
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "G:\Python Development\CorelDraw Office Com\CorelDraw\TenantLetterDevelop
ment\TenantLetterPy\", line 179, in <module>
savePageAsBitmap(documentPath + '\\' + jpgFileName)
File "G:\Python Development\CorelDraw Office Com\CorelDraw\TenantLetterDevelop
ment\TenantLetterPy\", line 143, in savePageAsBitmap
filter = cdr.ActiveDocument.ExportBitmap(jpgFileName, cdrJPEG, cdrSelection,
cdrRGBColorImage, UseColorProfile=False)
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\win32com\gen_py\FBF4300F-D921-11D1-B806-00
A0C90646A9x0x14x0\", line 187, in ExportBitmap
, UseColorProfile, MaintainLayers, Compression, PaletteOptions, ExportArea
TypeError: The Python instance can not be converted to a COM object

Anybody know how to use ExportBitmap from Com Automation???

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