Text combine


So, i paste some text from windows word (originaly it was a table). But in corel draw texts are grouped. So i ungroup them, and try to combie them, but order of letters has changed! Why is that?

and i notice that every time i try to combine text.... i would understand if one word would be on other place, and corel should straighten text, that is logical. But if text are straighten originaly, i don't see no reason why should corel change letter order...




  • Hi Msenjur

    I think a possible solution to your problem will be to firstly add a "return" or "enter" at the end of each line of imported text, this way when combined the text will not just be one long line. Also I believe that when combined text will be grouped from the top object in the layer to the last. You can check this with your "Object Manager" docker. All you need to do is ensure your text is layered correctly...the first line being the first object in your layer, down to last last in order.

    I hoep this makes sense and is of some help to you.


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