Work just disappeared...Help?!

Hello, being a novice to Corel (previously Adobe user) I have no idea what happened. I designed a simple advert with a few bitmaps and some text.

I needed to duplicate a few bitmaps - so I created a new layer and copied/pasted the graphic into the new layer. Then I tried to move it slightly to the left (click and drag) and wham...the entire page is blank now. 

If I select a layer with -  lets say  - text, I get the curve points and nodes associated with the text and when I move the text about (I can only see the nodes/curves) I can see my original canvas (fully there) behind the area of the selected text. When I release the mouse button it disappears again. 

What is going on? It's the 3rd time this has happened today and I'm not running the risk of starting from scratch again (another 3 hours...grrr). 

Please help!!